
2025.1.26 科学的置信区间



  1. 逻辑实证主义


  1. 证伪主义


  1. 范式转换


  1. 贝叶斯主义




  • 所有的信念都有一个置信度百分比。

  • 新的实验证据出现后,根据贝叶斯公式,更新这个置信度。 置信度可以升高也可能降低。

  • 对于同一个理论每个人的置信度可以不一样。不论初始置信度是多少,只要不断使用“新证据”去修正,最后大部分人的置信度会趋于一致。


P(A|B) = P(B|A) / P(B) * P (A)

P(A|B): 新的置信度

P(B|A) / P(B): 似然度

P(A): 原来置信度




  • 初始置信度不好确认

  • 每个人的置信度不一样












数学 99%

数学 = 公理 + 符号 + 逻辑。问题最大的是公理,公理是一切数学的基础。公理 = 常识 + 直觉。数学的正确性等价于公理的正确性。公理无法保证百分百正确性。比如,真实的宇宙是不连续的;排中律有可能不对,即一个问题要么是真要么是假。

物理学 95%




进化论 80%



天文 80%


心理学与医学 50%

可重复不高。大量论文里面的实验无法重复做。原因是心理学和医学一致使用统计显著性 P<0.05的标准,当P=0.05时,出错概率大概是23%~30%。

经济学 40%



Development of the Philosophy of Science

  1. Logical Positivism

Any statement that cannot be verified is neither true nor false but lacks meaning.

  1. Falsificationism

Falsificationism holds that the essence of science lies not in its verifiability but in its falsifiability. In other words, scientific theories should be subject to empirical testing, capable of identifying errors, and open to self-correction for the advancement towards better theories.

  1. Paradigm Shift

Paradigm shifts typically occur when accumulated inconsistencies and unresolved problems within existing paradigms reach a critical point. This leads to the emergence of a “revolutionary science” where new perspectives are opened, new paths of exploration appear, and new questions are posed to existing data and assumptions.

  1. Bayesianism

All beliefs have a degree of confidence or probability.


Principles of Bayesianism Principles of Bayesianism

  • All beliefs have a degree of confidence or probability.

  • After new empirical evidence emerges, update the degree of confidence using Bayes’ formula. The degree of confidence may increase or decrease.

  • Different individuals may have different degrees of confidence in the same theory. As long as the “new evidence” is continuously used for revision, the degrees of confidence among most individuals will eventually converge.

Calculation in Bayesianism

P(A|B) = P(B|A) / P(B) * P(A)

P(A|B): New degree of confidence

P(B|A) / P(B): Likelihood

P(A): Initial degree of confidence

Underlying Logic of Bayesianism Underlying Logic of Bayesianism

Inferring the probability of the theory’s validity based on experimental results, reverse-engineering the game of the universe.

Limitations of Bayesianism

  • Difficulty in determining the initial degree of confidence

  • Different degrees of confidence among individuals

Two Problems Addressed by Bayesianism

  1. The Hume’s problem: Humans cannot know causal relationships; they can only observe certain things consistently connected.

Humans cannot discover causality with 100% certainty; they can only observe probabilistic correlations.

  1. Occam’s Razor principle: If multiple theories make equally accurate predictions about the same problem, select the one with the fewest assumptions.

Like with Ockham’s Razor, not all problems are best approached with minimal assumptions, such as the assumption of a designer God. Bayesianism considers both the number of assumptions and the degree of confidence in each assumption.

Limitations of Different Disciplines

Each discipline has its limitations, and the higher the level of confidence, the greater the potential for development.

Mathematics (99%)

Mathematics = Axioms + Symbols + Logic. The biggest problem lies in the axioms, which form the foundation of all mathematics. Axioms = Common sense + intuition. The correctness of mathematics is equivalent to the correctness of axioms. Axioms cannot guarantee 100% correctness. For example, the real universe is discontinuous; the law of excluded middle may not hold, meaning a proposition can be neither true nor false.

Physics (95%)

  1. All physical theories have certain applicability limits. For example, general relativity breaks down inside black holes. The expansion of the universe disrupts the translational symmetry of time, and energy is not conserved during the process of cosmic expansion.

  2. Some physical theories are mathematically imprecise. Mathematics cares about whether a theory is logically consistent, while physics cares about whether a theory aligns with experiments. For example, it is impossible to rigorously prove the existence of mass gaps in Yang-Mills fields.

  3. Some branches of physics have significant errors. For example, thermodynamics and condensed matter physics have relatively large errors.

Evolutionary Theory (80%) Evolutionary Theory (80%)

Different theories within evolutionary theory have different degrees of confidence. Some inferences based on fossils have low confidence. The biggest flaw lies in the incomplete understanding of the details of evolution.

Astronomy (80%)

Extensive use of approximations, overall errors are relatively large, and most calculations can only achieve order-of-magnitude precision.

Psychology and Medicine (50%)

Low reproducibility. Many experiments in psychology and medicine cannot be replicated. The reason is that psychology and medicine consistently use the standard of statistical significance at P<0.05, which means that when P=0.05, the probability of error is around 23% to 30%.

Economics (40%)

The biggest advantage is explanatory power, while the biggest drawback is weak predictive ability. The core of economics lies in assumptions. Economics is overly mathematized. The essence of science lies in empiricism, not mathematical models.

References References

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